Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shall We Play A Game?

Wow I can't believe it has been 25 years since this movie came out. I went to the movies with my kids today and found out that for one night only, at select theaters around the country they will be showing "War Games" July 24th for the movie's 25 anniversary. Come on people my age you remember this 1983 movie staring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy. You remember it's about how he taps into the country's defense computer trying to play a game and starts playing a game called Global Thermonuclear War. The computer however doesn't know it's a game. I love this movie, probably mostly for the nostalgia value. Doesn't Matthew Broderick look so young there? I think Hubby and I need a date night tomorrow. :-)

    The Moral Of the Movie:
As the computer discovers 'the only winning move is not to play,' - a lesson that many parts of the world have still not learnt today.

"How  about a nice game of chess?"